Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cracker Chicken Puff - the recipe

2 medium potatoes, cubed fine
1 carrot, cubed fine
chicken fillet, cubed fine
milk (fresh, full cream, low fat – your preference) about 1 cup

shallot (grind in blender) about 4 table spoons
garlic (grind in blender) about 2 table spoons
white pepper power (according to taste)
salt (according to taste)
corn flour (as jelling agent)

oil for cooking and for deep frying

cream cracker biscuits
(Any brand will do, but I prefer Jacobs.)
eggs for coating the crackers before frying

Note of warning – I cook for fun. Measurements are not scientific. Use your own judgement.

To cube the potatoes, carrot and chicken, first cut into matchstick size strips. (For the benefit of the high – C’s, I’m referring to the ‘flying man’ brand matches.) Then cube them, i.e. really small cubes.

First heat oil in wok and deep fry the potatoes until it turns light brown. Remove and place on kitchen rolls to blot excess oil. The potato needs to be fried so that the filling remains good longer.

Leave a little oil in the wok and fry shallot and garlic paste until fragrant. Add the carrots and fry till soft. Add the chicken. When chicken is cooked, add the fried potatoes. Pour in the milk and cook until it is absorbed. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the corn flour with a little milk and add to the wok. This is the gum that holds everything together.

While the mixture is still hot, scoop some on to a cream cracker biscuit.

Spread it and cover with another cracker. (The filling has to be hot for the crackers to stick.) Remove any excess filling that is sticking out between the crackers.

In a bowl, beat eggs. Mix some corn flour with a little milk and add to the beaten eggs.

Dip the prepared crackers in the egg barter and deep fry until it turns a golden brown. Remove and let it cool before cutting into triangles.


Now don't forget to invite me!!


Raziff Lokman... said...

For a non cooking guy like me, this could be kinda complex..why don't you make some of these appetizers and bring them to the office...hahaha....

Thomas said...

I luv crackers but seems like a lot of hardwork before i get to taster the puff.