Thursday, November 4, 2010


Recently I was at an 'Islamic' bookshop (the type that only sell books relating to Islam, and only by Muslim authors and publishers) and picked up a book on 'Beliefs'.  I was browsing the introduction and immediately put it down as what I understood was that the author was trying to say is that intellect is not important in Islam, as otherwise what is the reason for revelation.  (If he had said that intellect by itself alone is not sufficient I wouldn't have minded, but he said something to the effect that intellect is irrelevant.)

I sometimes wonder if those we generally consider experts on Islam do actually read the Quran and understand it as a practical guide to daily living in these and future times.

I just need to remind myself that the Quran is replete with verses requiring the use of intellect and reasoning, such as these:
Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and day - there are indeed signs for men of understanding.
(AliImran 3:190 - Abdullah Yusof Ali translation)

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